Dear backers,
In about three weeks, you will receive a survey in your mailbox in which you can indicate if you’d like to stick with the original Wheel or upgrade to Wheel 2.
In this update, we will share more about the features of Wheel 2 with you.
Curious about the tracking system and led display of Wheel 2? We made a quick video of a pre-series Wheel 2 to show you how it works. It is being used upright, playing singles and our transparant record.
In Wheel 2, a curved line display is integrated. We started with a display with 80 leds (the top one on the image), but during development we decided to switch to a display with 120 leds (the bottom one). The increased amount of pixels makes it easier to navigate through the tracks.
Redesigned boards for the first production run are already on their way. We replaced the bluish leds with with flicker free warm white leds.
You may expect updates regarding both Wheel and Wheel 2 more frequently from now on. Thank you for being part of this journey.
Best wishes,
Peter and the team