
Dear supporters and customers,

We hear the frustration in some of your responses to our previous update. I understand how you may feel, and I want to set a couple of things straight and offer a solution.

First of all, until very recently, all of our working hours went into development and production of the original Wheel. The start of Wheel 2 was, just like other side projects, an experimental project that has been worked on solely from our own money, in our own free time. We never stopped developing and producing the original Wheel. Your funding has been vital for sure, but we spent a vast amount of personal recources on Wheel and Wheel 2.

The aim always has been to supply all backers with an original Wheel, and we've pushed so hard to get there. However, the original Wheel has to be built within the restrictions of its design. Starting from scratch made it possible to focus more on practical issues like buildability and serviceability. The final outcome, Wheel 2, has a much better balance between design and function.

The original Wheel is continually updated and improved until today. Recent changes: we implemented yet another stick mechanism update, with improved mechanics and a new sensor board. We’ve redesigned the optical tracking system on the plateau again, we designed a new way of mounting the new high resolution stroboscope trackreader, we improved the synchronicity algorithms in our motor software, the list goes on and on. The introduction of Wheel 2, doesn't make the original Wheel less of a product.

Long story short: we hear your doubts on whether the original Wheel had to suffer under development of Wheel 2. The opposite is true: The original Wheel greatly benefited from Wheel 2’s developments.

When we started to work on the 7 inch single adapter for the original Wheel, it looked simple. The prototypes worked okay horizontally. But during development, we had to add more and more technology and an update to Wheel’s hardware to make it work vertically. Offering an expensive, heavy single adapter with a learning curve clearly wasn't an attractive option.

Upgrading path
Again, developing Wheels has been a tremendous investment of money and time. Wheel 2 retails for € 1500 for a reason. It’s almost twice the initial retail price of the original Wheel.
We thought offering an upgrading possibility of € 300 would therefore be fair, but we can also understand some of your reactions. Therefore, we lower the upgrading price to € 150 for all Wheel backers and pre-order customers that have not yet received their Wheel. It’s a no cure no pay offer: you only pay once your Wheel is ready to be shipped.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and for your ongoing support. We are working hard every day to get you your Wheel, and enjoy the amazing record player it is.

Peter and the team