As our shop fills up with ever growing piles of round objects, we feel more and more on top of the Wheel adventure. To fulfill all current orders and then some, we’re in the middle of milling a large run of Wheel’s Pertinax bases. Soon we'll have an exact date on the arrival of the plateaus.
3d print farm
About seven years ago, long before Wheel, we tried to fit 3d printing into our shop. Although a great prototyping tool, its coarse quality, lack of speed and limited choice of materials made it less suitable for our purpose back then. ‘Conventional’ cnc machining served all our needs, so we naturally developed in that direction. Eventually we even sold our lone and dusty 3d printer.
In the beginning of 2018, after discussions with plastic factories to have our Wheel parts injection molded, we replunged into 3d printing in a big way. With todays choice of materials and print quality, 3d printing slowly but surely became a robust alternative, and an awesome complement to our shop. We’re already printing complex parts in house, and expansion is around the corner with our new 3d print farm, up and running next week.
From then on, production of all non-standard, non-machined parts will be on par with the rest, effectively closing all remaining component gaps. More about the farm in the next update.
Thank you for your support!
The Wheel team

Steam bent wooden rings
For precise assembly, a bayonet is milled inside the bowl parts.
A bezel is milled from the outside for a seamless fuse with the rings
Piles of Pertinax ready for finishing
Bowls and rings fused in molds