In the meantime, it’s all hands on deck for Wheels wooden enclosures. The main structure of these consists of two parts: The cone part, that is pressed out of layers of veneer, and the rim part that is steam bent out of 3 mm solid wood. Both parts are seamlessly fused together to make a rigid, self-supporting Wheel enclosure. We’ve developed and built a complete set of moulds, machinery and procedures for these complex parts.
To be absolutely clear: We’re beyond frustrated about how long it takes to get it right. But we very much enjoy the process of making a great Wheel. With the plateaus on our doorstep (at least 6 weeks away) we can start working on a realistic timeframe for delivery.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Peter and the Miniot team

Berend cuts veneer for the cone parts

Piet works on our purpose built cone press. Veneer layers are fused with high pressure, heat and vacuum to a very rigid structure

Machining upper cone press mould
Marian collects veneer parts from the cutting machine