To make the Audio Technica AT95E cartridge fit inside Wheel, the standard black plastic base is removed from the engine, and excess plastic is carefully trimmed from the stylus holder.
Because we’re producing a lot of Wheels, and utmost precision is required for each stylus, we decided it had to be a machine process.

Precision machining the AT95E styli
We built a precision fixture to hold 20 AT95E styli at once. The styli are tooled in a very delicate cnc process, with a 0,003 mm tolerance.
After thorough testing, measuring and sampling, we took a deep breath, and machined the entire batch of styli.
To avoid touching the stylus and guarantee safe handling, we also developed a polycarbonate insert/handling tool and made one for each stylus. A very small groove is milled into each stylus to hold this tool.
We had an appointment with the Audio Technica people on the High End Show in
München last week, and showed them ‘our’ AT95E.
They liked it very much, and ordered a Wheel. Thank you!