Dear backers,
We’re building Wheels. Not nearly the volumes we want yet, but we’re building. We’ll also start delivering Wheels in July as planned. See below.
Personal delivery
Test shipments revealed flaws in our shipping box. We’ve had Wheels coming back to us misaligned or just plain broken. We don’t want you to receive your Wheel after all this time to find out it got wrecked during transport. So we overhauled the box, added safety measures and tested again. Our drop test crash video’s are cringing to look at but Wheels come out fine now.
To meet our July goal, we’ll personally deliver and install Wheels in the original boxes. First deliveries start on Tuesday July 28 to backers in our region. We’ll switch back to first come, first served FedEx delivery when the new boxes are in.
Unpacking procedure
Because of the new box design, unpacking has become slightly less straightforward.

Before we ship your Wheel we'll ask you to check your information one last time in a survey. The first batch of surveys will be sent out per email on July 31th. You'll be directed to your Wheel account on our website. There you can manage everything about your Wheel. Address info, a choice of accessories like spare styli, Van den Hul audio cables, Bluetooth transmitters, and a personal engraving!
Personal engraving
To all our daredevil Kickstarter supporters: All Kickstarter backed Wheels will have a special, personal engraving on top, for the world to see. You can show everyone that you were the one that believed in us. We can’t thank you enough for that. Details will be in in the survey.
Tuesday will be a watershed moment for us. We’ll bring a photographer and post an update.
Peter and the Wheel team