You are welcome to check out the original Wheel and Wheel 2 at the Dutch Audio Event! It's held on October 8 and 9th in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. It's a fun event for music lovers, hifi enthusiasts and audiophiles, and Veldhoven is within reach of Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg.
Building Wheels is our number one priority. We hesitated a lot to attend the event because of the time and energy it takes to do it right. On the other hand it's a great opportunity to meet you, tell our story and listen to yours. So while the team continues to build Wheels, you can find me in Veldhoven on October 8 and 9. To keep it simple, we share a space with other creative Dutch audio entrepreneurs: Servolabs, miniDSP and JaPS. You can find us in room 119. Our Wheels will be hooked up to some truly innovative Dutch active speakers. You'll be surprised!
Go check The site is in dutch only, but it's allure is international. Tickets are €16,50 online ( or €17,50 at the show.
Building Wheels is going crescendo. Wheel 2 deliveries are picking up steam and responses are very positive.
Hope to meet you in Veldhoven!
Peter and the Wheel team